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Coral CEO Oscar Yamin hosts inaugural cybersecurity workshop for OSAC Beirut

31 July 2023

On July 24, a momentous event took place in Beirut as the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) held its first-ever workshop on organizational and individual cybersecurity best practices, an initiative that marks a crucial step toward safeguarding citizens and businesses from the ever-evolving threats in the digital world. The workshop, hosted by Coral Oil and in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, brought together a vast array of industry experts, academic professionals and security authorities from Lebanon and the United States.

In his welcome speech, Coral Oil CEO Oscar Yamin set the tone for the workshop, emphasizing the significance of robust public/private collaboration in strengthening global cyber defenses. Yamin, who hosted this critical event out of a sense of duty toward Lebanon and its wellbeing, underlined Coral Oil’s commitment to Lebanese society.

“As technology continues to advance and cyber threats grow in complexity, the OSAC Beirut workshop serves as a launch pad for improved cybersecurity practices in Lebanon. By uniting experts, authorities and businesses, the event demonstrates the formidable power of collaboration in safeguarding the digital landscape and protecting organizations and individuals from cyber harm,” Yamin said.

Deputy Chief of Mission Mark Marrano, representing U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea, was next to speak, and highlighted the strategic importance of such workshops in countering cyber threats.

The workshop sought to create a framework for action, uniting OSAC constituents in Lebanon to defend against hackers, cybercriminals and hostile network actors. Among the topics discussed were ransomware, denial of service attacks, cyber extortion and intellectual property theft.

One of the highlights of the event was the discussion led by visiting experts from Aintel Cyber who delved into the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology cybersecurity framework for companies and organizations. Attendees received invaluable guidance on personal and organizational best practices for cybersecurity, equipping them with the necessary insights to fortify their digital defenses.

Representatives from Lebanon’s Higher Defense Council and Internal Security Forces were also present the event, shedding light on Lebanon’s national cybersecurity strategy. They provided vital insights into the most common cybercrimes afflicting businesses and individuals in the country, further reinforcing the need for proactive collaboration in tackling cyber threats.

Major General Mohamed al Mostafa, the secretary-general of the Supreme Defense Council, delivered an insightful introduction to Lebanon’s Cyber Authorities. He outlined the country’s efforts to combat cyber threats and emphasized the paramount importance of collaboration between government entities and the private sector to safeguard national interests.

Dr. Lina Oueidat, a strategic adviser to the Supreme Defense Council, provided valuable insights into Lebanon’s Cyber Ecosystem. Her remarks focused on the country’s comprehensive cybersecurity framework and the strategic initiatives being undertaken to protect critical infrastructure and businesses from cyberattacks.

For his part, Colonel Tony Nasrallah from the Lebanese Armed Forces G2 Intelligence Directorate, Technical Branch, addressed the workshop on the crucial role of the LAF in cybersecurity. He stressed the significance of raising awareness about cyberspace, emphasizing that a well-informed populace is instrumental in effectively defending against cyber threats.

Lieutenant Colonel Mark Sawan, representing the Internal Security Forces Information Branch, delivered a comprehensive presentation on “The Rise of Ransomware Attacks in Lebanon.” His detailed analysis covered new trends, modus operandi and vulnerable sectors in Lebanon. Additionally, he shed light on the challenges faced by law enforcement in combating cybercrime.

The workshop facilitated a secure space for OSAC constituents to share information about emerging cyber threats, enabling them to collectively work toward disrupting and defending against potential attacks. This gathering of experts and authorities from both Lebanon and the United States laid the groundwork for future collaborations and actions to bolster cybersecurity efforts in the region.

Finally, the OSAC Lebanon Country Council and the U.S. Embassy expressed their profound gratitude to Coral Oil for generously hosting the inaugural workshop. Their continued support and commitment to fostering public/private collaboration in essential fields played a pivotal role in the resounding success of this event.

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