98 Octane: LBP1,515,000 --- 95 Octane: LBP1,475,000 --- EcoDiesel: LBP1,340,000 

Oscar Yamin assists hospital in distress with generous diesel donation

25 March 2022

BEIRUT: As Lebanon continues to be battered by a series of unprecedented crises and prices continue to soar, the country’s populace is especially vulnerable to the cost of diesel, essential to power generation, especially for hospitals and other critical services. Yet in the midst of these difficulties for companies and people, bright beacons of hope emerge from socially responsible institutions and committed individuals, like the CEO of Coral and Liquigas. Earlier this week Oscar Yamin assists a hospital in distress with a generous donation of diesel.

Some days ago, when nuns at a private hospital in Baabda appealed for help as a critical shortage of diesel threatened the lives of their patients, Yamin, head of Lebanon’s leading fuel distributor, immediately ordered that 20,000 liters of diesel be donated to the hospital, in yet another example of his companies’ commitment to the welfare of Lebanon’s citizens.

Oscar Yamin assists hospital in distress with generous diesel donation to keep facility operating.

Over the past two years, Coral and Liquigas have consistently stepped up to fill the gaps during the height of the fuel crisis, providing the country with much-needed fuel in the darkest times going beyond risks and financial liabilities.

In fact, Oscar Yamin, in recognition of the leading role Coral played during these turbulent times, was invited by the US Embassy in Beirut to present the state of the Lebanese energy sector as a key speaker at a conference organized by the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC).

Coral and Liquigas have indeed persevered their ongoing dedication to social responsibility in Lebanon and among the Lebanese people for years now, and have implemented numerous initiatives to ease the burden shouldered by vital institutions such as hospitals, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as public institutions, telecommunications, and others in situations that directly affect citizens’ lives.

Coral and Liquigas have also pledged to ensure uninterrupted access to diesel and gasoline for residents in the harshest and most dire circumstances, as underscored by the fact that Oscar Yamin assists hospital facing closure due to depleted diesel supplies.

Source: Lebanon Debate

أزمة المحروقات تُهدّد مرضى مستشفى في بعبدا
الخميس 24 آذار 2022

عَلِمَ “ليبانون ديبايت”، أنّ “إحدى المستشفيات الخاصة في قضاء بعبدا رفعت الصوت بعد أن وصلت إلى حدّ الإنقطاع نهائيًا من مادّة المازوت ما يُهدد بشكل مباشر أرواح المرضى بظلّ الشح الحاصل في الأسواق خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الماضي وبداية هذا الاسبوع”.

وقد عَلم موقعنا، أنّ “الرّاهبات القيّمات على المستشفى تواصلن مع شركة “Coral” المستوردة للنفط لطلب المساعدة”. وأشارت المعلومات إلى أنّ “السّيد أوسكار يمين، رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة، أعطى إيعازًا فوريًا لإرسال 20 ألف ليتر من مادّة المازوت مجّانا، للمستشفى”.

وكانت نقابة أصحاب المستشفيات الخاصّة قد حذّرت مرارًا وتكرارًا في الآونة الأخيرة من معاناة المستشفيات وصعوبة تجاوز الصعوبات المستمرة، لا سيّما في مجال التّزوّد بالمازوت والارتفاع الباهظ في كلفته.

إنّ هذه الحادثة تُنذِرُ بوضع مأساوي للمستشفيات اللبنانية الّتي هي اليوم في حالة يُرثى لها، والمطلوب التّحرّك الفوري للجهّات المعنيّة والمسؤولة في الدولة لتأمين أقلّ مقوّمات الاستمرار الّتي يحتاجها القطاع الاستشفائي، لا سيّما تأمين دائم للمحروقات للاستمرار في استقبال المرض.

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