Car Care & Safety

Coral signs MoU with AUT on Truck Driving Simulator project
In a promising step toward enhancing road safety and refining driver training programs, Coral, Lebanon's leading supplier of gasoline, diesel and Jet A-1, has sealed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the American...

Motor oil viscosity grades explained
For most of us, the second-most-expensive big-ticket purchase after a home is typically our car. Mobility affords us the freedom to go where we want when we want, but more importantly it’s essential for commuting to work, taking the kids to school, going grocery...
Coral promotes road-safety culture starting with teen drivers
BEIRUT: At Coral, the safety and wellbeing of the next generation of Lebanese is paramount. And yet, despite everything Lebanon has endured, and despite every effort to promote road safety by authorities, every day we continue to hear reports of young people involved...
Using the right lubricant can extend your vehicle’s life
Like everything else in life, cars can’t last forever. A combination of time and wear takes a toll, and after a while materials degrade, moving pieces wear out. But using the right lubricant can make sure that once brand new and shiny vehicle remains a useful tool for...
Car tips during Quarantine
We are committed to serving you during quarantine while taking into consideration the standards applied by the Ministry. We urge everyone not to leave their homes except for emergency situations to protect public safety and to follow these tips to maintain your cars....
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